Terms And Conditions

This Agreement was last modified on July 20, 2014.


ALPINIST WORLD offers a service that allows members to earn cashback on purchases made at over several stores. You only need a valid email address and password to join ALPINIST WORLD. ALPINIST WORLD does not sell or rent your personal information to third parties, and does not ‘spam’ its members. ALPINIST WORLD receives a fee for referring its members to affiliated merchant stores and uses that fee to pay members cashback on their purchases. Please read this complete member agreement ("Agreement") for full details on the ALPINIST WORLD Cashback Shopping Programme (Programme). ALPINIST WORLD maintains the right to change this Agreement in whole or in part, at any time, with or without notice.

Member Eligibility

Membership in the Programme is free of charge. By signing up as a member (“Member”), you agree to be bound by this Agreement. A valid email address must be provided to join ALPINIST WORLD so that we can send you email relating to your account information. Members must be at least (16) years old and agree not to use the Programme for any illegal or fraudulent activities.

Note that your Cashback Receipt Method (such as NEFT or Cheque) may have rules about the maximum or minimum payment that you can receive through that Cashback Receipt Method.

Important: You must ensure that the email address we hold for you is kept up-to-date and that you have full access to it - we will be sending you important messages there. If you change email address, then you must change the address we hold for you on your Account.


ALPINIST WORLD membership is available through registration process after you submit certain requested information to ALPINIST WORLD. Before registration we ask whether or not you agree to current Terms of Service. If you don't agree to our Terms of Service you will not be permitted to use the ALPINIST WORLD service. Please be aware that a member of ALPINIST WORLD is not allowed to run any paid ads on Google, Facebook or any other platform pointing to ALPINIST WORLD. If the member does not comply with this then it would result in immediate termination of his/her account.

Our Service

Our Cash back Service allows users who register on the Site ("Members") and therefore create an account with us ("Account") to earn cashback on tracked purchases from retailers on the Site ("Retailers"). To qualify for cashback, the Retailer must confirm that the Member's purchase is tracked, genuine and successful (constituting a "Qualifying Transaction"), and your resulting cashback must be received by us (becoming "Cashback" as a result).

Earning Cashback

Earning cashback is simple: Choose a store, product, or other offer displayed on ALPINIST WORLD, click the accompanying shopping link to be directed to an affiliated store’s website (“Affiliate Store”), and complete a purchase to earn cashback on your net purchase amount. Please note that the net purchase amount excludes taxes, fees, shipping, gift-wrapping, discounts or credits, returns or cancellation, and extended warranties.

Certain Affiliate Stores exclude a limited number of products and purchases from the Programme. ALPINIST WORLD does its best to minimize and maintain an up-to-date list of exclusions on ALPINIST WORLD. To start earning cashback, you must complete your purchase during the same shopping session you start after clicking on the ALPINIST WORLD link. If you visit other sites before completing your purchases or use coupons not provided by ALPINIST WORLD, your purchases might be associated with a service other than ALPINIST WORLD and you might not earn cashback on your purchase. If you disable ‘cookies’ on your computer, you will not be able to earn cashback as cookies are used to authenticate the user and be certain cashback is assigned to the Member account.

After a Member successfully completes a Qualifying Transaction, and once we have received the resulting Cashback for that Qualifying Transaction, we pass that Cashback to the Member through his/her Cashback Receipt Method.

Please note that there are various circumstances in which a transaction with a Retailer may not constitute a Qualifying Transaction, or Cashback may not result from it. The Member understands that all transactions made by him/her are not with us, but with the individual Retailer. Our help pages provide further information about these circumstances. Further, from time to time Retailers may increase or decrease the commission paid – in which case the cashback offer illustrated on our Site may be incorrect. By default, your applicable transactions will be credited in line with the commission reported to us by the Retailer, which may be more or less than the advertised rate. We shall not be liable for any difference in the expected cashback by the Member and the actual Cashback received by the Member.

When we have traced a paying, Qualifying Transaction to your Account, we will credit your Account with a 'pending payment'. Once the Retailer confirms the transaction, the payment will be marked as 'validated' – this can take 90 days or more from the date of the purchase. If the goods are returned or the sale reversed or amended by any means then the cashback payment will not be made. Further, in the event that the Retailer feels that the purchase is not genuine for any reason whatsoever and we do not receive any Cashback for the transaction, the Member will not receive any Cashback.

Whether a transaction shall qualify as a Qualifying for cashback Transaction shall be at the sole discretion of the Retailer or us and the Member understands and agrees to the same. We shall not be held responsible if the Retailer fails to report a sale to us or does not qualify a transaction as Qualifying Transaction. Further, we shall not be responsible in the event due to some technical or other error we cannot trace a sale back to the Member and does not qualify the transaction as a Qualifying Transaction for any reason whatsoever. Whilst we will endeavour to recuperate non-payments from the Retailer, the decision of ourselves, the Retailer or Retailer's tracking agent is final. Whilst we will try and recuperate missing commissions, at any point we reserve the right not to chase missing commission claims, particularly where no purchase has been made.

When a Member sends us an enquiry on missing cashback, our system would check if the user had an exit click from our site for that store on the date mentioned by the user. If no exit clicks can be tracked then we will show a message to the Member indicating that they did not click via our website to earn cashback prior to the sale. All exit clicks to stores are saved in the database for cross reference on adding cashback values. Where a commission enquiry has been successfully paid by a Retailer, you may receive a lower amount than expected; this is due to the amounts received by ourselves possibly being lower than the original claim. We do allow you to query this with us. If a Retailer still hasn't paid a manual commission claim after a period of six months then we reserve the right to close the enquiry claim.

We reserve the right to reclaim or make balance adjustments accordingly where it has been established that any credit has been applied in error. This will include but is not limited to transactions where the credit is not genuinely due or payment for any credited transaction has not been received from a Retailer or its agencies and/or misuse or fraud. This can include transactions which are already marked as payable or validated in your Account, or for transactions which have already been paid over to you by [Cheque] or any other means.

There are various circumstances in which Cashback will not be payable to the Member, and will be forfeited to us, these could be, without limitation:

where the cashback payment that we receive is not attributed to a Qualifying Transaction or associated with an Account (such as where the Member is not logged-in to the our site when making the relevant purchase)the transaction to which the Cashback relates is cancelled after it has been entered into (whether under the right of cancellation that applies to some sales made at a distance, or otherwise) the Cashback is attributed to a Member or Account that has been:

Suspended by us or for any other reason;
associated with any fraudulent activity or any breach of this Agreement;
Our help pages provide further information about these circumstances.

Updating & Maintaining Your Account

You must be logged into ALPINIST WORLD and enter your password to change your account information and payment preferences. You may check your account status and recent earning history at any time via the “ACCOUNT” tab on the left sidebar. You are responsible for keeping your password and other account information confidential. ALPINIST WORLD is entitled to act on instructions received under your password and is not responsible for any credits or debits made to your account by someone else who uses your password.

Inactive Member accounts & Termination of Membership

ALPINIST WORLD reserves the right to terminate your account if it is inactive for more than twelve (12) consecutive months. Your account may be reactivated by starting a shopping session via ALPINIST WORLD and completing a qualifying purchase or updating your account information. ALPINIST WORLD may also suspend or terminate the rights of your account if there is evidence of any suspected fraudulent activities. Any failure to comply with this Programme Agreement, any fraud or abuse relating to the accrual or receipt of cashback rewards, or any misrepresentation of any information furnished to ALPINIST WORLD or its affiliates by you or anyone acting on your behalf may result in the termination of your membership in the Program and forfeiture of your accrued cashback rewards.

Intellectual Property:

No-one may copy, distribute, show in public or create any derivative work from the Site, or any of the material which is found on the Site unless properly licensed to do so by us. By uploading or including any material on the Site, a Member expressly grants to us a non-exclusive license (including the right to grant sub-licenses) to use, reproduce and distribute that material through our Cashback Service and any other interactive services through which we or our sub-licensee make the Cashback Service (or a service based on our service) available; and to other Members (through us, under the license referred to in a. above), the non-exclusive, personal, non-transferable right to view the relevant material.

Privacy & Cookie Policy

Our Privacy & Cookie Policy forms part of this Agreement, and by entering into this Agreement you also give your consent to the way we handle your personal data under that policy. Given the global nature of the World Wide Web, please note that a posting on the Site may be accessible to internet users around the world.

Our Role

We are not a party to any transactions with Retailers, and are not the seller or supplier of any of the goods or services that they make available. Thus we do not have any of the legal obligations that apply to the sellers of those goods or services.

Accordingly, we have no control over or responsibility for:

The quality, safety, or legality of those goods or services available from Retailers; or

Whether the Retailer can or will supply and pass good title to any goods or services.

Members should exercise no lesser degree of caution in entering into transactions with Retailers than they would when entering into a similar transaction offline. To the extent that the Applicable Law permits, you release us, our agents and employees from all liability arising out of or in connection with any transactions with Retailers, including (without limitation) all claims and demands relating to uncompleted or completed transactions with Retailers, or goods or services offered for sale or supply, or actually sold or supplied, through or in connection with any transactions with Retailers.


We reserve the right to suspend or terminate any Members access to our service, or parts of it, if in our reasonable view the relevant Member or Account appears to be in breach of any provision of this Agreement.

Members must not enter into, or attempt to enter into, any transaction with a Retailer or to gain Cashback (a) by providing personal information of someone else, or a payment method which they are not entitled to use, (b) by deceptively or unfairly exploiting a Retailers offering including but not limited to creating fake or unauthorized referral links, or (c) in breach of any terms and conditions applied by us or the Retailer to that transaction. We reserve the right to forfeit any pending payments or validated payments in the Member's Account in case of such misuse of our service by the Member.

It is each Member's obligation to ensure that any material posted by him/her or associated with his/her Account:

is not defamatory, offensive, or abusive or of an obscene, indecent or menacing nature;

is not intended or likely to cause needless annoyance, inconvenience or distress to any person;

does not contain any computer virus, macro virus, Trojan horse, worm, or anything else designed to interfere with, interrupt, or disrupt the normal operating procedures of a computer or to surreptitiously intercept, access without authority, or expropriate any system, data or personal information;

does not contravene the Applicable Law or regulation (including, but not limited to, laws governing consumer protection, distance selling, unfair competition, anti-discrimination, false advertising, copyright, trademark and privacy);

does not breach the rights of any person or entity (including any rights or expectations of privacy);where it constitutes feedback on a Retailer, is accurate and fair; and does not advertise any goods or services.

Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Agreement and the Privacy Policy, we reserve the right to investigate complaints or reported violations of this Agreement and to take any action we deem appropriate, including but not limited to reporting any suspected unlawful activity to law enforcement officials, regulators, or other third parties and disclosing any information necessary or appropriate to such persons or entities relating to your Account, email addresses, usage history, posted materials, IP addresses and traffic information. Any Member, who in the sole discretion of the Retailer or us, has committed fraud in use of the Site or our Cashback Service or misused the Site or the Cashback Service, their Account will be closed, email and IP address will be blacklisted so they cannot use it again, and cannot register from the same PC.

If you see or experience anything on our Site that appears to infringe any of the above requirements, we would like you to inform us by using our contact form.

Each Member acknowledges that we are entitled, but not obliged, to withdraw any material, which appears - based on information received from third parties or other Members - to be in breach of this Agreement.

Operation of our Cashback Service:

We reserve the right to withdraw, modify or suspend aspects of the Cashback Service, or the entirety of it, where we have legal, security, technical or commercial reasons to do so. We will endeavour to give you 30 days advance notice before taking such action, except where it is necessary to take earlier action for security reasons or because of technical difficulties which would otherwise adversely affect the our service. There may also be times when the Cashback Service becomes inaccessible as a result of technical difficulties experienced by us or on the Internet; we will, however, use reasonable skill and care to overcome these difficulties where they are within our control. Please note, however, that we cannot guarantee continuous access to the Cashback Service or any of the content that appears on it.

Nevertheless, we will strive to ensure that any periods of planned unavailability, which you will be informed of when you access the Cashback Service at the relevant time, are kept to a minimum.

For security or other reasons, we may require you to change password or other information which facilitates access to the Cashback Service; however, we will never ask you for your password via email, telephone, or any other means other than through the Site. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and any additional identifying information.

Suspension, cancellation and/or termination of ALPINIST WORLD

1. We may suspend your ALPINIST WORLD account meaning that you will not earn Rewards on qualifying purchases if you break any of the terms and conditions which apply to your personal current account and/or the Terms and General Conditions which apply to your ALPINIST WORLD payment account.

2. We can close your ALPINIST WORLD account and cancel any Rewards balance if you have not used your ALPINIST WORLD account for a period of 12 months. Using your ALPINIST WORLD account means you either:

log into your ALPINIST WORLD account via the ALPINIST WORLD website; or

for customers who are unable to access the ALPINIST WORLD website, contact the Customer Service team in respect of your ALPINIST WORLD account; or

3. We can close your ALPINIST WORLD account immediately if you use your personal current account or ALPINIST WORLD Credit Card account for business or commercial purposes. Any Rewards balance which has not been redeemed will be cancelled.

4. We can also close your ALPINIST WORLD account at any time for any other reason by giving you not less than 30 days’ notice.

5. You may discard of ALPINIST WORLD and cancel your ALPINIST WORLD account at any time. Any Rewards balance which has not been redeemed will be cancelled.

Limitation of liability

1. You must keep your security details (which include any identifying words, codes and numbers agreed between us) secret and take all reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorised or fraudulent use of them. We will not be responsible for any unauthorised use of ALPINIST WORLD caused by any unauthorised disclosure.

2. We have no responsibility in respect of any tax liability that may arise from your participation in the ALPINIST WORLD scheme.