How it works

General Guidelines for earning reward

How Reward works?

1. Login & take a tour on available Stores.
   Join/Login to our site. You can hunt down any item you need to purchase, or inquiry by retailer of your choice.

2. Explore and Shop
   Click-out of our site to the Retailer's site e.g. Jabong.Now Shop like you regularly do on the retailer's site.

3. reward gets Included
   After you shop, in around 72 hours we add your reward to your account. This will be in "Pending" status till the retailer rewards us.

4. reward gets confirmed
   When we get the qualified reward from retailers we change the status of your reward to 'Confirmed'. This often does not take more than 4-12 weeks of time.(Retailers  sit tight for the 30 days cancellation period to pass and pay us in the next month. We pay you when we get paid!)

5.reward to Bank Account
   When you have Rs. 250 or more as confirmed" reward , you can demand your reward and we exchange the cash to your Bank account.

How you can get the payments?

1 .Collect Rs. 250
   You must have minimum of Rs. 250 as Confirmed reward in your account then you can ask for payments.

2.Fill details.
   As we pay your reward earnings via NEFT you are required to fill all asked details On the Payment page while requesting for your payments.

3. Enjoy your reward!
   Your requested reward will be transferred within 10-12 working days, Enjoy your Earnings!

Raising a query for Missing rewards

1. We need atleast 72 hours ..!!
   After you shop we request you to wait for atleast 72 hours and let us track your transaction. If still you wont receive it in your account.You can raise a your query   complaining a missing transaction for your rewards.

2. How to raise a missing/not tracked reward enquiry?
   Goto My account section.Click on earnings tab.Click on reward hasn't tracked.Fill form with all details.Your request wil be received by us and we will chase our    reward partners.

3. All done, Now Relax!
   Your job is done, now we will contact the retailer and get your reward or reward, soon it will be transact to you.